It's not only fake designer handbags that are attracting bargain hunters. Nowadays, the fever is spreading to fake paper shopping bags featuring famous brands.A random search using the keyword combination of "paper bag" with any famous brand name will find dozens - sometimes more than 100 - of results on, the most widely used shopping website in China.There are more than 80 online stores selling Chanel paper shopping bags. Some 70 are selling Gucci paper shopping bags.It is hard to tell whether the paper bags are authentic from the photos on the websites, but most are imitations.
The paper bags are usually priced between 5 yuan ($0.78) and 40 yuan.Hermes Temptation Takes Hold in Jakarta. People selling more expensive bags claim theirs are authentic.In Wang Xuesheng's store, more than 600 paper bags with a Louis Vuitton logo, priced at 3 yuan apiece, sold within 30 days.Wang sells paper bags as well as paper boxes and ribbons featuring a wide rage of luxury brands such as Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada and Burberry.He admitted that the paper bags in his store were just imitations of the real thing."Most people buy the bags only for the logo," he said. "In fact, if you take a close look at the bag, you will easily discover that the material is different from authentic ones."
Wang is an owner of a paper-packing factory in Guangzhou. The online store, which has been open for seven months, is just his sideline."Although the sales volume is high, the profit is limited. The store earns less than 200 yuan a day despite its 50 percent profit mark-up," he said."I used to produce paper bags for people who had created their own brands for online stores but later I noticed an increasing demand for paper bags with logos from high-end goods," he said, adding that the most popular brands in his store are Louis Vuitton and Gucci."In the beginning, my clients were mostly people who sell fake handbags. Later, we gradually won more independent customers," he said.