That's the sweet spot in the regional clothing market the creators of Mindful Supply Co. are aiming at, selling shirts made completely from U.S. and North Carolina textiles. The Greensboro-based company, run by David Grubbs and Derek Glass, uses Burlington's TS Designs to manufacture the shirts. That company's president, Are Barefoot Shoes for You ? Eric Henry, is also a partner of Mindful Supply Co.
Grubbs says the combination of American-made clothing crossed with eco-friendly regional manufacturing and selling should appeal to a wide section of consumers. The images and messages on the shirts — patriotic, natural, and agriculture-based graphics paired with sayings like "Home of the Brave" — should also attract North Carolinian business."We're prideful about being local and American-made," Grubbs said. "I like to preach Mindful as a movement and a state of mind."
After a pretty successful first season in the biz — their spring line of T-shirts for men and women sold well at two Great Outdoors Provisions Co. in Chapel Hill and Raleigh — the brand's first fall line should go to Triad and Triangle stores in September. They're looking to expand to Whole Foods locations, as well as other specialty and outdoors stores. They have an even bigger spring 2013 line planned, with the possibility of skirts and dresses for women and pants and shorts for men.