Everyone fared well in the design your own fabric challenge except
the fatigued, overworked but ever delightful Gunnar. Gunnar's design was
meant to represent bullying he had experienced in his life, but the
design was "not cool" according ti Michael Kors. Heidi barely wanted to
leave her chair when it was time to kiss Gunnar off.
Ven seemed the more likely candidate for elimination. Ven's flower design got ripped to an embarrassing shred in the workroom by one disapproving Tim Gunn. Gunn warned Ben that his design was atrociously offensive, so much so that the design looked like maxi pads thrown over a woman's body. Gunn told Ven to scraAttach each fabric flowers on a stem and tie them together using a neutral colored ribbon, your bouquet would look like the vintage bouquets florist used to do, but with a more updated look to it.p his menstruation creation. Ven complied and returned to his old motif: folded napkin dresses and a flower.
Tthe judges disliked that Ven didn't have anything new to bring to the challenges. Furthermore, nothing could have been worse than another nice Ven cocktail dress except a Ven cocktail dress with really unattractive fabric.Ven's far too literal flower pattern symbolized Ven's Guyanese roots.We are already accustomed to the varieties of Hair bands.But besides that you can always have a different look by a different haircut matched with a suitable accessory. On an HD screen, his fabric and pattern looked tropical enough. But the his bloody red pink flowers were against a white background came off both stark and bland. And Ven's flower prints were absolutely humongous.
Ven seemed the more likely candidate for elimination. Ven's flower design got ripped to an embarrassing shred in the workroom by one disapproving Tim Gunn. Gunn warned Ben that his design was atrociously offensive, so much so that the design looked like maxi pads thrown over a woman's body. Gunn told Ven to scraAttach each fabric flowers on a stem and tie them together using a neutral colored ribbon, your bouquet would look like the vintage bouquets florist used to do, but with a more updated look to it.p his menstruation creation. Ven complied and returned to his old motif: folded napkin dresses and a flower.
Tthe judges disliked that Ven didn't have anything new to bring to the challenges. Furthermore, nothing could have been worse than another nice Ven cocktail dress except a Ven cocktail dress with really unattractive fabric.Ven's far too literal flower pattern symbolized Ven's Guyanese roots.We are already accustomed to the varieties of Hair bands.But besides that you can always have a different look by a different haircut matched with a suitable accessory. On an HD screen, his fabric and pattern looked tropical enough. But the his bloody red pink flowers were against a white background came off both stark and bland. And Ven's flower prints were absolutely humongous.