
Fendi Scion Makes Trash Into Luxury Handbags

How much would you pay for a handbag made from truck tarpaulins and bottle caps?Ilaria Venturini Fendi's "dragon" bags, stitched together from reclaimed wood, PVC, vintage drawer pulls and fabric and leather remnants, sell for as much as $2,200. You are spoilt for choice online when you want to buy maillot de football due to the variety.Her bracelets made from rubber toy tires inscribed "Before Toy Tyre Now Bracelet"sell for $320.The bags and jewelry, sold as a line called Carmina Campus, are gaining traction with luxury customers who see themselves as socially conscious and already have the requisite stock of C¨¦line and Bottega Veneta bags in their closets.

"The aspirational customer doesn't want this," says Susan Stone, owner of the Savannah boutique in Santa Monica, Calif., referring to the sort of consumer who wants to shout out her wealth with "it" bags. "But the customer who has everything does want this. They already have the Herm¨¨s bag they have a lot of them, in fact." Carmina Campus is part of the growing socially conscious luxury movement that includes Monique P¨¦an jewelry and Alabama Chanin fashions. If you want to try making your own Destockage marques, be sure to choose a material that is both durable as well as light in color.

Designers aim to make products that consumers will feel good about buying by working with recycled materials, donating to causes, creating ecologically sound products or using factories that pay fair wages and benefits to workers.At a cheaper price, you get to enjoy marques de lunettes soleil that are not only quality products, but available in the best styles and designs.Brian Bolke, co-owner of the chic Forty Five Ten boutique in Dallas, will open a new store selling these types of goods on Nov. 12 called Number One.It will be devoted to products that, he says, are "not crunchy granola, but are just sort of thoughtful. Everything has a story behind it."

