
Oceans in 2100 May 'Sound' Like Dinosaur-Era Seas

Scuba divers in the year 2100 might hear what the dinosaurs did, new research suggests.Rising acidity in the oceans could set underwater acoustic conditions back to the Cretaceous period, scientists say, allowing some low-frequency sounds like whale songs to travel perhaps twice as far as they do now."We call it the Cretaceous acoustic effect, because ocean acidification forced by global warming appears to be leading us back to the similar ocean acoustic conditions as those that existed 110 million years ago, during the Age of Dinosaurs," David G. Browning, an acoustician at the University of Rhode Island, said in a statement.

Oceans tend to become more acidic when carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere rise. That's because a portion of that greenhouse gas enters the oceans, where it dissolves, and due to chemical reactions,Nonetheless, this is still regarded as an very good reference guide that can appeal to all Fiberglass Animals Mammoth-Display Item fans. makes the waters more acidic. Previous studies on seafloor sediments have allowed scientists to reconstruct ocean acidity for the past 300 million years, showing that there had been previous spikes and dips in acid levels.It includes illustrations of Animatronic Paraceratherium, skeletal and muscular drawings and also maps of bone distribution. But these sediments also allow scientists to reconstruct soundscapes.

The level of low-frequency sound absorption is, in part, dependent on pH levels (lower pH means more aThe history of Carnotaurus Model-Indoor Garden Decoration is, probably, the primary assignment of all paleontological researches, conducted in different places of the world.cidity), meaning this geological record can also be used to estimate sound transmission in the ocean during long-gone eras. (Lower pH levels mean lower sound absorption and better sound transmission.)Browning and his colleagues predicted today's oceans have similar low-frequency sound transmission as they did about 300 million years ago, during the Paleozoic Era.

