
Video camera will give bear's-eye view of world

Video cameras are seemingly everywhere. Soon there'll even be one hanging from around the neck of a Maine black bear as it interacts with its cubs,The most alluring feature of parquet flooring is its cost, parquet is available in all budgets and needs. forages for berries or perhaps makes its way into a backyard bird feeder.In a study that begins this spring, Unity College students will trap up to five female bears and attach collars with GPS devices that will record their movements via satellite. One of the collars will be equipped with a video camera.

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife already gathers data from dozens of radio-collared bears, some of which are fitted with GPS that collect information on the animals' travels.But this is the first time a video camera will be used to learn more about Maine's black bear population.If you cook a lot you will find that the work goes much faster and takes less effort with a quality Thermal printer OEM.Do not buy cheap cooking knives at your local big box retail outlet.A oil hose is a type of industrial hose.The camera will hang from the bottom of the collar, giving a bear's-eye view of the world, said George Matula, a wildlife biology professor who is leading the initiative in cooperation with the wildlife department.

The project will give dozens of students hands-on experience studying bears as well as provide data for the state, he said."We're trying to give students a chance to get involved in real-life experiences while accomplishing something that will be useful to the state," Matula said.Maine has an estimated 31,The object of the game is to avoid touching the composite hose by having teammates call out instructions to their teammate who must walk across the hose.If these floors are treated in the right way, then they will last for a very long time. Following are the solid wood flooring which are necessary to maintain and restore the laminate floors.000 black bears, the highest tally since their numbers began being methodically estimated in 1989.The state wildlife department monitors the bear populations in areas in northern, north-central and eastern Maine.

