
School clothing choices should be optional

Clothing is a good example of a topic where there is a wide variety of opinions on what's "proper" in certain situations and what's not. Individuals can and will draw the line at very different levels.Clothing choices are not normally a huge issue though, and even in public areas most of us are willing to leave each other alone even when we may not agree with another person's choice of clothing.

However there is one place where this is not necessarily true: government schools.At first glance the conflicts over clothing and calls for dress codes or uniforms make little sense. The students are not wearing anything that they can't wear in society at large so where is the justification for the government to have any involvement in the clothing a family chooses to buy for school?

From an individual standpoint, we all know that clothing choices are quite irrelevant when it comes to learning. After all, uniforms or dress codes are not needed for a toddler to learn to walk, people can read just fine in their pajamas and this column is proof that writing can be done wearing only underwear.

